««D»» ««D»» ZZ TOP • JU$T GOT PAID ««D»» ««D»»
( bass harmony riff : ABDBABGA^G ... generally 1X then drones E ) INTRO 3 riffs 1st w/ Guitar ... 2nd w/ Bass ... 3rd w/ drums - pause G [6 beats] - 7 riffs ( bass drones E)
Just got paid today ....Got me a pocket full of chaaange . . . 2 riffs
Said, I just got paid today ..Got me a pocket full of change . . . 2 riffs G A E
If you believe like working hard all day Just step in my shoes and take my pay.....
2 riffs
I was born my papa's son When I hit the ground I was on the run ..... 2 riffs
I had one glad hand and the other behind You can have yours, just give me mine 2 riffs
When the hound dog barking in the black of the night Stick my hand in my pocket, everythiiiiiing's all riiiight
2 riffs • break A on 3rd riff end 8 beats solo: A . . E A . . E 12x then minimal E 4x ....B x4 ....reg riff
I just got paid today Got me a pocket full of change
Said, black sheep black Do you got some wool? Yes, I do, man, my bag is full
It's the root of evil and you know the rest But it's way ahead of what's second best
2 riffs D . . DE D . . DE 6x feedback            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |