≈≈ Up From The Skies ≈≈ . . . . Jimi Hendrix

         Variation-   G7 can also be: G13 >Gb13> G7        & C9: C#9>C9            

       C9                        G7                  C9                                       G7       
I just want to talk to you, I don't want t' do you no harm, I just want to know about your different lives, On this here people farm. I heard some of you got your families, Living in cages tall and cold, Some just stay there and dust away, Past the age of old. D9 G7 C9 G7 Is this true? Please let me talk to you.
I just want to know about the rooms behind your minds, Do I see a vacuum there, or am I going blind? Or is it just the remains from vibrations and echoes long ago, Things like, "Love the World", and "Let your fancy flow" Is this true? Please leet me talk to you. Let me talk to you.
D9 C9 D9 C9 I have lived here before, in the days of ice, And of course this is why I'm so concerned, And I come back to find the stars misplaced And the smell of a world that has burned D9 C9
The smell of a world that has burned...
D9 F9 Well, maybe it's just a change of climate. I can dig it, I can dig it baby, I just want to see... C9 G7 C9 G7 So where do I purchase my ticket, I just want to have a ringside seat, I want to know about the New Mother Earth, I want to see and hear everything....... Aw shucks, if daddy could see me now...
TEMPO 70 - 75 • • • RIDE BRUSHES [10] • • • HARD ROCK [21 • • • SIR PSYCHIC [20]

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